Friday, May 29, 2009
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Okay well I guess I'm the hero here.... HAHA!!!! There are many types of heros and I can fall under 2 or 3 categories of hero's.
1. A Trancendant Hero - Is a hero whose fatal flaw brings about her downfall, but after she realizes a special wisdom or truth.
2. An Apocalyptic Hero - A hero who faces the destruction of society (Her family life.)
3. An Ubalanced Hero - A hero who has (or must pretend to have) mental or emotional disanvantages....
My family is also a little unbalanced in few ways... I only have one sister from the same parents, the other three siblings are from 2 different people. That really isn't important, although what is important is the fact that they all love me and I love them.
My hobbies I guess would be, listening to music, and writing poetry. Not very intresting, but oh well, it's what I like to do.
I think that my strengths include, being a funny person, having a good sense of when I need to listen and need to talk and i can relate to many people in very different and be friends with all of them. (Within reason!)
I have a lot of weaknesses. So many that I think I don't need to list them all. For starters I procrastinate. Period. I do it's something that I can't stop myself from doing but I'm working on it! Another is that I tend to be a bit emotional.... I wish that I wasn't though because it has caused the loss of friendships and ties that I wish I hadn't.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:52 AM 1 comments
The Quest
Well every hero has a quest, right? I don't know what my quest really is though. So I am going to type what I think applies to me.
The Quest For Identity - I think that I fit into this category of quest because, whether they admit it or not, no one knows who they are and everyone is always searching for themselves before anyone else.
The Quest For Vengance - I think that I fit into this category because I am looking for vengance. I am vengfull toward my Step- Father because I feel that he has taken my mother away from me. I don't know why but it feels that she always is more intrested in him, than me. Her daughter. So that is why I think that I fit into this type of quest.
Last but not least, The Jourey For Knowledge - I am always searching for knowledge whether it is actually a school type knowledge or just more in general. I like learning and I enjoy the advice and proir years that my teachers have and it helps me by learning from their experiences.
I think that if I am victorious in my personal oddessy it will result in being more understanding, helpful, and just an all around better person. At least I hope it will.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Well I would have to say that my mentor would be Carlo. He hasn't been there my whole life, but for the time he has I have been led and taught about new things and he is always there when I need him. My life has been up and down with him, through thick and thin he's helped me and I hope he never steps out of my life.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Threshold Gaurdian
I think that threshold gaurdian would be my dad. He constantly battles with me but at the end of the day he's the guy I can go to and tell things too. He is my threshold gaurdian because when I first moved in with him he was the last person I wanted to talk to or be with, but over the past year I have over come that and realized that what I once thought to be an enemy is now my most trusted ally. He will and is helping me through all the tough times and is a vital part to my oddessy.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Hmmmm I really don't know who or what my shadow is, although I would like to say my step dad, I have no pictures of him so I have to use something else. Grrrrr... Well I guess I could say that because I really like the Pon and Zi characters i save them and get in trouble in BCIS a lot. Hehe. I have to get over that if I'm going to be able to go a day with out getting in trouble in that class. I can't help it! They're just cute!!!!
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:51 AM 0 comments
The trickster would be my Step-Mother, Chessie. We fight at times but she always reminds me that things aren't as bad as they seem and can always get a lot worse. She is really funny and cares about me so much. I can't really remember a day that she wasn't there for me. She's been there for me since I was 7 and I don't think that she will be leaving anytime soon.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:51 AM 0 comments
The Hero Meets Monsterous Men
I don't have any pictures of my step-dad so i thought this was cute and fitting for the section! =]
For this post I am going to type one of the 5 charactersitics of the hero's journey that I have to have.
I think that on this post I am going to do "The Hero Meets Monsters or Monsterous Men"
It is not going to sound very good, but the monster is my step dad. I know that it really doesn't make since to some but he is the moster or "shadow" in my life. I just really don't like him. That's all there is to it. I thik that it applies to my oddessy in the fact that my mom loves him and he is and obstacle that I have to get passed in order to lead a happy life. Overcoming him is one of the things that I have to do to finish my oddessy.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:51 AM 0 comments
A Suffered Wound
The hero (me) has suffered a wound from which I have never recovered. The wound in my case is not exactly a wound of the body, it is an emotional wound. A wound that opened when I was young and has not completely healed and I don't think that it ever will be. The wound is when my parents got a divorce. I know it happens all the time but it was so hard. I was 4 years old and the only thing I could think of was who's house I was going to that night. After the divorce my mother wasn't around much and that was when I needed her the most. So I became the motherly figure to myself and my sister. The wound is not all caused by my mother however, my dad has just as much an equal part as her. He wasn't there for me, yes I saw him, but he wasn't there. At choir recitals I just decided to stop looking because I knew he wouldn't be there. It hurt me so much to see that everyone was there but the one person I wanted to be. I was in all the extra things so I could preform for him, hoping he would be there just once, and be pround of me. He wasn't. I just wanted him to pround of me so I did the best I could in school and other things hoping he would notice. I was always hoping and waiting for him to come and hug me and say, "You did good. I'm proud of you." Always waiting with arms open.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Born and Raised in a Rural Setting

Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:50 AM 0 comments
Crosses A Bridge

Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:50 AM 0 comments
When I go back to where I was raised people say that I have changed so much and they don't know me anymore. I tell them that I haven't changed that much but to myself I guess I'll always be the same. They don't act the same and it's wierd but then again I havea changed. I have learned more about myself and people in general and before I moved I didn't have that knowledge. Knowledge has changed me. I know that and so do they.
Posted by Bonnie Hodgson at 7:49 AM 0 comments