Monday, May 18, 2009

The Hero Meets Monsterous Men

I don't have any pictures of my step-dad so i thought this was cute and fitting for the section! =]

For this post I am going to type one of the 5 charactersitics of the hero's journey that I have to have.

I think that on this post I am going to do "The Hero Meets Monsters or Monsterous Men"
It is not going to sound very good, but the monster is my step dad. I know that it really doesn't make since to some but he is the moster or "shadow" in my life. I just really don't like him. That's all there is to it. I thik that it applies to my oddessy in the fact that my mom loves him and he is and obstacle that I have to get passed in order to lead a happy life. Overcoming him is one of the things that I have to do to finish my oddessy.