This one is going to be that the hero is born and raised in a rural setting away from cities. Which I was until this year. I lived outside a city, Kaufman, and the only reason I was ever in town was to go to school. Being that I was raised that way I wasn't exposed to the things I would have been if I lived in Mesquite, or any other city. I was raised in the little part of the country that still exsisted so I only saw the things that happen out there, raising and killing animals, and just having a good time. When I moved to Mesquite I was, and still am, exposed to things that I wouldn't have thought to happen. School fights, for example, I did see many school fights but none that included hitting a girl or breaking a microwave in the cafeteria. My GOSH! Well back to the point, seeing as how I was raised in a rural environment I have not been exposed to many of the things that I would need to be to have a better wordly view of things that could be useful to completing my oddessy.

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